Systematic Performance Monitoring
Pervasive IT performance lapses are best identified by adopting an Information Systems
Integrated software and hardware components engineered to capture, store, and process data to safely deliver accurate and valuable information where it's needed, when it's needed.
approach to reporting how well an organisation's IT function achieves efficient, effective, fair and transparent IT practice.
\'how well\' alternatives.....
a) a firm\'s overall process for sharing decision rights about IT monitors the performance of IT investments.
b) management control the formulation and implementation of IT strategy to ensure the fusion of business and IT.
c) the decision making authority for core IT activities achieves its goals.
d) the leadership and organisational structures and processes ensure that the organisation's IT sustains and extends the organisations strategies and objectives.
Without this, the poor quality and often incomplete nature of performance related information only serves to limit risk mitigation and exacerbate underlying IT Process Failures. Inappropriate choice of investment
Failure to undertake proof of concept
Missed business and technical opportunities
Insufficient feasibility analysis
Inadequate strategic alignment and planning
Lack of appropriate Technical skills
Failure to plan service maintenance
Incorrect requirement definition
Risk management process failure
Inadequate security
Inability to meet demand
Confused use of methodologies and standards
Poorly focussed software engineering
Software functionality faults
Operationally deficient software
Incomplete and badly engineered data analysis and design
Failure to deliver agreed requirements
Service level failure
Inadequate Technical support
Inefficient capacity utilisation
Poor capacity planning
Lack of meaningful transparency
Failure to learn from mistakes
Obligatory acceptance of reactive management styles
Failure to achieve return on investment
Optimise IT Governance Strategy
The use of targeted IT Behaviour Analytics
Statistical information resulting from the systematic performance analysis of relevant human and/or machine resources against predefined metrics and regulations.
The performance assessment of the individual is unchanged and remains a managerial responsibility.
is the key to understanding and optimising the efficacy of governance strategy. With appropriate inbuilt flexibility, individual Chief Information Officers, together with their Chief Executive Officer or board of directors, can decide how, when and which policy related metrics should be monitored at their organisation.
Sending a continual stream of performance data from bespoke or proprietary GRC
GRC is the umbrella term covering an organisation's approach across these three areas: Governance, risk management, and compliance.
platforms (e.g. SAP PC >> MetricStream >> or RSA Archer >> ) to a purpose designed computer monitor makes it possible to present actual IT performance measurements against predefined policy targets. This, together with information derived from statistical and historical analysis, will progressively improve the boardroom decision making process in regard to IT governance.
Industry Standard Interface
This approach is not without challenges and an authorising body (e.g. INCITS >> or say ISACA >> ) is to be commissioned to help confirm the Monitor Groups and Performance Indicators
Future Demand
Emerging Market, Emerging Technology, Development Agenda, Strategic Alignment, Resource Planning, Level 1 Feasiblity, Portfolio Management.
Change and Configuration
Requirement Definition, Solution Design, Level 2 Feasibility, Development, Configuration Verification, Risk Management, Implementation.
Service Delivery
Defect Management, Service Level, Build Efficiency, Capacity Planning, Capacity Utilisation.
Cost Benefit Analysis, Estimation Review, Earned Value Analysis.
View via monitor groups indicated by ⇓ on the Audit Framework page (see top right).
for each key aspect of measurable IT behaviour. The Technical specification of industry standard PI data flows (together with associated attributes) can then begin, perhaps with W3C >> participation. Use the 'Navigate IT' link opposite to access system overview and follow the links to access the associated interactive process framework.
© Copyright 1980 -
Paul A. E. Sheridan
Using any discovery, concept, or idea, whether or not patentable, resulting from information in this document including but not limited to processes, methods, software, tangible research products, formulas and techniques, improvements thereto and know-how related thereto is prohibited without reference to Paul A. E. Sheridan