1. Wait momentarily then browse the narrative on the right hand side to get the gist of the Systems Engineering process.
2 The built-in information architechture is populated depending on the transformation strategy selected in process FPD04 Improvement Request.
In this case it was agreed to use a structured method for platform A, incremental for B and AI for X.
3. Take a few moments to study the example schematic to the left; following the flow of information from process input to output.
4. Now change the drop down value to Project B (Demand Id to the right). Review the iterative model to the left and read the corresponding schematic description (RHS). Repeat for Project X - Artificial Intelligence.
5. Return to Project A and click on the Requirements Analysis box ✱ as indicated, to display the sub-process schematic.
6. Explore Functional Analysis and Allocation when convenient.
High level schematic diagrams (like the one to the left) provide information and navigation only. The lowest level in each hierarchy acts as an input layer for dataflow capture. This in turn directs the process workflow and gives aggregated management information that helps to enhance business intelligence.