1. Wait momentarily then browse the narrative on the right hand side to get the gist of the Software Engineering process.

2. The SOFTWARE ENGINEERING options are automatically displayed in the right hand side window. Click the lower of two yellow icons to the right (PHP HTML javascript).

3. Programmer one is unit testing a module written in PHP, HTML and javascript (see left hand side) using the TRANSFORMATION WORKBENCH. She is working on a compliance enhancement for project 01-0000598 and the task is 'unit testing change element 5.2' which is 18% complete.

4. Click the higher of two yellow icons to the right (MS Visual Studio). Programmer two is coding with MS Visual Studio. He is working on a functional development on project 01-0006766 and the task is 'coding change element 1.3' which is 64% complete.

5. Programmer 3 is commencing work on a project and is assessing the best software language to choose. He would like to consider Python and searches by placing the cursor in the search field (Python Guide is auto filled).

6. A search is simulated by clicking in the System Guide Search field above. Notice the Python Beginners Guide to the left.

7. On completion of a phase of working the percentage of work is re-calculated. If the programmer disagrees with the value a more accurate estimate may be entered.

8. Click home (to the right hand side) to finish module 1. Optionally you may start module 2 by clicking 'mod2'.