1. Wait momentarily then browse the narrative on the right hand side to get the gist of process Requirement Analysis adjust.
2 The built-in ADT information architechture (repository for standards), in this instance, has been adapted to reflect a local function hierarchy and standard adapted from 'Competitive Engineering' by Gilb.

3. Study the example schematic to the left noting the different requirement types and their structure.

4. Click Vision box 1 to display the sub-process schematic and follow the instructions.

5. On returning to this screen click and display each of the remaining requirement subprocesses:

Performance, 3 and
Resource Requirement,4 and submit in turn.

6. Advanced readers may wish to explore the definition of requirement target levels (goal, budget, stretch, wish) and constraint states (fail, survival).

7. Click the bottom level boxes identified by to see their matching description.